Family School's
Creative Mathematics Courses
...are offered in four basic venues:
- Occasional one-term-long weekly specialist classes
at HBP, the SB Charter School HomeBased
Partnership (only open to homeschoolers enrolled in HBP).
- Occasional one-term-long weekly after-school classes
at various school's after-school programs
(enrollment handled by individual school).
- Six- to ten-week-long 1½-hour weekly topical
classes for parent-arranged groups of
4 to 8 students, ages 9-14, that meet at individually-arranged locations.
- One-week-long morning camp
sessions during the summer or school vacations at a home near Fairview
& Cathedral Oaks. Summer 2014 sessions.
The currently available courses:
- The
Art of Math
& the
Math of Art
Our flagship course
- tessellations, fractals & all that
- Solving
Puzzles Logic
and thinking "outside the box"
Learn the math behind the tricks, then
perform in a magic show
- Cryptography
Secret code math
- Infinity
& Beyond Amazing concepts, including calculus for
- Count
Around the World Number
systems in other cultures
- Prime
Time Master this important elementary
concept through games
- Money Matter$ Exponentially increase understanding & enjoyment
- Making Choices & Taking Chances Combinatorics
& probability in games and life
- Game
Design Play,
analyze, then make your own
- The
f Sp rts
& the Sp rt f Math Mathletics