Session Descriptions MatheMagics Learn the math behind the tricks, then perform in a magic show. Become a mathemagician! Not all magic tricks require sleight
of hand – some are based on science and math. Mathematical magic
tricks will be demonstrated and then we'll investigate the math behind
them. Campers will learn to perform the tricks, and practice them on each
other. On Friday, parents & siblings are invited to come at 11:15
for a magic show performance. The areas of math we'll explore include
arithmetic, number bases, algebra, topology, and probability. Campers
should be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, and
understand fractions. The Art of Math & the Math of Art Create and investigate 2-D and 3-D mathematical art. Create drawings and sculptures in 2 and 3 dimensions – tessellations, unit origami, fractals, etc. In the process, we'll explore the mathematical ideas behind them: angles, 3-D geometry, topology, symmetry, number bases, infinity, etc. We'll also examine some works of mathematical artists, such as M.C. Escher & Leonardo da Vinci. Campers should be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and fractions. More advanced students will be exposed to more advanced mathematical ideas. Special Topics Sessions: Santa Barbara Surf-aces will explore many topics related to surfaces - curvature, tessellations, map coloring, minimal surfaces. There will be a short local field trip on Tuesday. The Golden Ratio will focus on the nature-related topics of Fibonacci sequences and the golden ratio. Cryptography Break the code! Become a spy or detective! Campers will encounter many different codes and ciphers, and techniques for decoding and deciphering. We’ll construct some coding devices, exchange secret messages, and engage in mathematical analysis. Most of the areas of mathematics involved – number theory (prime numbers and modular arithmetic), matrices, angles, frequency distributions – require only whole number arithmetic skills. Money Matter$ Exponentials and logarithms are extremely important and non-intuitive subjects that students generally don't encounter in math classes until Algebra II, but which can be understood conceptually, with a hands-on approach, much earlier. As the quote indicates, an understanding of interest can promote savings and prevent a lifestyle of debt. In addition to its practical value, this camp wil be fun - we'll play games, including Cash Flow 101 and maybe Cash Flow 202, do puzzles, and create related crafts projects. Experience with fractions and decimals is required. The
Math Mathletics In addition to hands-on exploration of sports-related mathematical topics – such as dynamics of ball trajectories, scoring & tournaments, and interpretation of statistics – there will be mathletics events – such as relay races and dart games. And during the mid-morning snack break, we'll play table tennis, which is a favorite sport among mathematicians. Game Design Play and analyze games, then make your own. In the process of playing and analyzing a variety of games, we'll study some of the principles of game design, with the goal of each camper creating his or her own game by the end of the week. The areas of math investigated include probability and game theory. Note that although the ideas are applicable to video games, the orientation of the camp is non-electronic. May include visits from professional game designers. Infinity & Beyond Recommended for Grades 7-10 The concept of infinity is both intriguing and accessible to kids way before they encounter it in a calculus class. We'll play with sequences and sets, fractals, different types of infinity, and more. Although this is the most theoretical camp, it will also include related games and art projects. In consideration of the cost of storage space in Santa Barbara, we promise that your child will bring home only a finite number of finite-dimensional projects. Campers should be able to easily add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, fractions and decimals, and be infinitely curious. Prime Time Recommended for Grades 3-7 The concept of prime decomposition is the most important
concept of elementary school mathematics. Its mastery is the best preparation
for junior and senior high school mathematics. In this camp, students
will become very familiar with it and related concepts about factors,
mainly through playing games. ST✡R of D✡VID M✡THEM✡TICS Our Newest Camp The Star of David symbol, also known as a regular hexagram, has been used by a variety of cultures in the past millennia and, in this camp, will be used as a portal into a variety of topics. Its geometry leads to fascinating constructions, tessellations, and even fractals. Hands-on projects include origami as well as puzzles and games. Related mathematical topics, such as calendars and braids, may be included. The Bees & the Birds An Exploration of Tesselations We'll start with regular tessellations, which bees excel at, extend to semi-regular ones and others, and then embellish with techniques used by M.C. Escher to turn polygons into birds and other creatures. Of course the famous monotile of 2023 will be included. Facility with adding fractions is a prerequisite.
Useful for Years Each student will make and take home their own Pascal's Triangle. While creating it only requires addition, there are a mryiad of fascinating patterns in it. And it can be used for everything from calculating probabilites to generating fractals, from now through high school. The Tau of Perfection A Double Math Holiday June 28 is a perfect date because 6 and 28 are the first two perfect numbers. And it is Tau Day, becaue 6.28 is a good approximation to tau (which is a better circle constant than the beloved pi). Age-appropriate related topics will be explored.
Our Most Colorful Camp You will not learn how to solve the cube in this mini-camp. But you will learn why mathematicians find it interesting. And we will play with related Rubik's puzzles and Rubik's games.
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